Breakers by the Sea

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Various pictures of the motel, happy guests, and scenes from around the beach.

Follow us on Instagram to see more pictures than what we have posted here.
Our Instagram account is breakerbytheseahampton. There is a link on the bottom of all the pages.
We would love for our guests to post pictures of themselves while they're staying with us!

Browsing 21-40 of 55
Google Reviews
This is an actual screenshot from Tripadvisor for the past summer season. Thank you so much for the reviews!
Friendly housekeepers add to the personal touch.
Fall flowers.
They got married on the beach
Mom and sons.
Mom, sister, and daughter weekend.
21st birthday parties are fun
Family get-togethers, even if one has to work from home
Ok so it rained a little bit. The bachelorette party kept on going.
We get a lot of bachelorette parties.
Reading in the sun is a very common past time here.
Yes, people forget to give us the key back. This one came back with a thank you
Real reviews from this 2022 season. Thank you!
Swans, candy, flowers and sparkling cider always brings a smile to the couple that asks for the romantic package.
Happy people we hope to see again.
30th birthday party!
30th Birthday door decoration
The swans love to stop by as often as they to help celebrate!
Sometimes you need to go all out for someone special.
Browsing 21-40 of 55

Hotel Website Designs & Reservation System by: Open Hotel