Breakers by the Sea

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Must Be 12 or Under
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Various pictures of the motel, happy guests, and scenes from around the beach.

Follow us on Instagram to see more pictures than what we have posted here.
Our Instagram account is breakerbytheseahampton. There is a link on the bottom of all the pages.
We would love for our guests to post pictures of themselves while they're staying with us!

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The horizon from our balconies. We are looking due south at Gloucester and Rockport Massachusetts.
Motel Entrance 05062022
Even when the motel is absolutely full, it is still a quiet place to be.
Another day, another view of the ocean.
Getting ready for a new season.
The Look of Summer
One way to keep the parking pass from flying away
We are going to miss this rose bush. The salty flood last December killed it. Boo hiss.....
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Hotel Website Designs & Reservation System by: Open Hotel